SangakuTriunity NFT Series: Quarterly Roadmap

Q1 (January - April): Launch and Exchange Integration

  • Primary Objective: Sell the SangakuTriunity NFT series through a strategic release on multiple platforms.
    • Conduct the initial minting event for the collection, ensuring a seamless user experience.
    • List the NFTs on major exchanges to facilitate trading and increase liquidity.
    • Organize launch events and promotions to create buzz around the series.

    Q2 (May - June): Community Building & IP Promotion

  • Primary Objective: Strengthen the community base and establish a unified consensus, while promoting the IP in Akihabara, Tokyo.
    • Develop interactive community engagement strategies including AMAs, social media campaigns, and online forums.
    • Collaborate with Japanese pop culture influencers and local businesses in Akihabara for physical exhibitions and sales.
    • Initiate IP licensing discussions to expand the reach of the SangakuTriunity brand.

    Q3 (July - September): Liquidity Mining & GameFi Integration

  • Primary Objective: Integrate NFTs into DeFi protocols via liquidity mining and introduce game elements to enhance their utility.
    • Implement liquidity mining pools where NFT holders can stake their assets to earn passive income and rewards.
    • Develop or partner with GameFi projects to incorporate SangakuTriunity NFTs as playable characters or assets that influence gameplay.
    • Announce special in-game benefits and exclusive content for NFT holders.

    Q4 (October - December): Expansion & Long-term Sustainability

  • Primary Objective: Ensure long-term value retention by expanding the ecosystem, launching new features, and fostering partnerships.
    • Release additional collections or limited-edition NFT drops tied to existing ones.
    • Launch innovative projects that utilize NFTs within the SangakuTriunity universe, such as virtual reality experiences or cross-chain integrations.
    • Form strategic collaborations with other blockchain projects, institutions, or brands to further solidify the position of SangakuTriunity NFTs in the market.
    • Evaluate and adjust the allocation of resources based on the results from previous quarters to ensure sustainable growth.

    © 2024 Wonder Forge Inc. SangakuTriunity ART STUDIOS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED